Forex Short Term Trading Strategies - Forex Day Trading Restrict Risk Build Big Profits

Forex day trading is very popular and is probably the route most new forex traders try and the appeal is obvious - trading with low risk and building steady long term gains but how do you win...

The industry in short term trading us huge and there are numerous courses to train you and teach you the basics and they all have tremendous track records with low drawdown and huge long term gains. There is a problem though and it lies in this warning you will see:

"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading.


Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".

Of course, there is a huge difference between knowing what happened and not and anyone even a kid can become a millionaire on paper.

In real time it's all a lot harder

Within a day trying to predict, to predict what a vast number of traders will do, in a time period of minutes or hours is impossible as the price can go anywhere.

To make money you need data that is reliable - it's as simple as that.

You need to be able to work out the probability of a price going in a specific direction on your forex chart and its plainly obvious you don't have decent data to work with and you cannot get an edge or the odds in your favor.

The odds are not in your favor and this means you are destined to lose.

Alas forex day trading is a good theory (if it worked) but it doesn't add up in practice and if you are not convinced, try and find an audited track record of a day trader over a few years - you wont find one, you will find day traders with simulations - but that's not hard crisp dollars, you can spend them. Don't trade short term, trade longer term and get yourself the right forex education, get the odds on your side and enjoy currency trading success.

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Investing Vs Trading

Everyone always says that the safest way to make money in the stock market is by investing for the long term. I don’t believe it. In fact long term investors might have the disadvantage.

There are a number of reasons why trading can be a safer strategy then investing in the long term.

1. Traders can make money in all markets. Unlike a long term investor who only makes money in bulls market and loses money in a bears market, traders can take advantage of whatever the market does.

2. Strong companies don’t have to go up. People seem to have a false image in their mine that if you own Disney stock and they make a sale your stock goes up. That is not necessarily true. You could buy a stock that makes loads of money with great fundamentals and still lose money. In fact Wal-Mart, Disney, Microsoft, and coke are all stocks that have huge earning but have not done anything except go down a little in the last 10 years.

3. Successful traders base their conclusion off of price, the trends and patterns of it. This is a much better way to grow your money because what you make money off of is ultimately what the stock does not what the company does.

4. The idea of holding onto a stock forever can actually hurt you. I have seen people with a long term prospective ride a $40 stock to a $10 stock because they are in it for the long term. As far as I am considered it not a good idea to hold a stock through a 75% decline in hopes that it might one day go up no matter what your time frame is.

5. Actively trading is a can give you higher returns. Think about it like this, if you are actively trading in the stock market you will be able to learn from your past trades. The more you learn the better a trader you will become. Where as someone who invest in the long term cannot use what they learned from their last trades into their new trades because your last trades lasted 40 years.

For more information about the stock market visit

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The components of trading

I would say that there are two different components of trading. These are the trader and the system. Each one has something that they can bring to the table to give you a successful trading system.

The system component is easy to understand. If you follow your own strict rules of what to look for before you invest your money you will come up with some sort of consistency. If you always trade by do the same thing then you will be able to get the same results, over and over again.

This makes having a trading system very important aspect when it comes to making money in the market. Develop a well tested system can be the best way to make good money. However there is one other major component when it comes to trading, and that is the trader themselves.

Some traders believe that a trading strategy should be all system and the trader should try to keep their own thoughts out of it. This can be true to an extent. The major flaw we as humans have when it comes to trading is our emotions.

Our emotions might make us sell too soon or buy too early. That can cause us to lose money. But there is a good reason that traders should not rely 100% on a system and keep some human touch in trading.

This ability that humans can bring is the ability to change and adjust to new markets. You may have a system that is working well buying calls but if you start to see that the market is crashing it can tell you that you might not want to be buying calls right now.

You might adjust that strategy by taking the same rules you learned from buying calls and reversing it to give you good put buying strategies. Or you might try something different. But our ability to adjust is what gives us an edge over a pure systematic way of trading.

For more information about the stock market visit

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Forex Trading From Home - Become a Successful Trader in 2 Weeks!

Here I am going to give you a checklist on how to get started in forex trading from home in just 14 days and then be on target to make triple digit profits in under 30 minutes a day.

What inspired me to write this article is the "turtle experiment" where Richard Dennis taught a group of traders to trade in just 14 days and they went on to make hundreds of millions of dollars. You probably won't make as much money as this group but it shows anyone can learn and anyone can be successful, if they have the right forex education.

Lets get started and the first area to focus on is learning about forex charts and formations and all this information is available free online. You need to focus on long term trend following and base your strategy on breakouts.

We have written about these frequently simply look up our other articles. Once you have this mastered, check some indicators to time you're trading signals and take your time two great ones to start with are the stochastic and RSI, so look them up.

You will now have a simple robust forex trading strategy you can apply for profit. Don't think simple systems don't make money - they do. Simple systems are robust and easy to understand and will enable you to have confidence and discipline which is essential for currency trading success.

Discipline is what separates winners from losers.

You must be able to apply your trading system through losing periods with discipline until you hit a home run and if you cant do it - you don't have a system.

It's always good to get some lessons from the pros and some books which are from traders who have walked the walk and don't just talk the talk.

Here are a few which I think can help any trader.

The Disciplined Trader - Mark Douglas

This is simply one of the best books on trading discipline you will read and for any newbie trader who thinks discipline is easy, read it and you will see why its not and why most traders cant master it.

Another excellent book is.

The Way of the Turtle - Curtis Faith

The most successful of the turtle group we discussed earlier, its essential reading and very inspiring as well.

Finally I simply love the book - Trader Vic Methods of a Wall Street Master by Victor Sperandeo.

This guy is simply consistent decade after decade of huge returns and you get a bit of everything in this book.

The above 3 books will cost you less than a $100.00 but will give you some great insight on the discipline side and what it takes to be a winner and pay for themselves many times over.

When you come to trade your system, make sure that you have enough cash forget trading with $50 d and get a reasonable amount so you have staying power. $500 - 1,000 is a bare minimum and preferably $5,000.

Do not over leverage, take it gently to start, forget about 200:1 leverage and start at 10.

You are in this for the long run and you need to preserve equity and build your base.

Once your system is set you are ready to roll, don't believe all the people who say you should try and improve their system, or keep journals of your losses its complete waste of time.

You are going to lose, that's trading and the perfect system doesn't exist.

I have used the same system for 25 years and never changed it sure it losses but overall it gives me great annual profits for less than 30 minutes work a day and the system enclosed can do the same for you, allowing you to become a profitable forex trader from home.

Follow the above steps and you could be on the road to currency trading success in just 2 weeks and making profits in around 30 minutes day.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on Becoming a Currency Trader From Home visit our website at:

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Profitable Forex Trading Strategie

As you know, the only way to make money in the forex currency exchange market is to have profitable forex trading strategies and good money management. Without these two skills, you will certainly fail as a trader and if you master these, you will be a very profitable forex trader.

It sounds so easy, doesn't it? Two simple rules to follow and you will be profitable in this business. The problem with this however, is that most people can't follow these rules. They let their emotions get in the way of their trading and make bad decisions. They may not take any trades at all because they're afraid they'll lose money. They may be in a profitable trade and decide to close it early to lock in their small profits. They may decide to let their losers run longer than they should because they "know" the currency is about to reverse and go in their direction. There are many reasons why people fail in this business and these are just a few of the examples.

Before you start trading, you need to learn about this business. You not only need to learn how and when to trade forex, but you also need to know when "not to trade". This is just as important. You also need to know how much "risk" you should take on any given trade. If you over leverage your account, you will lose money very quickly and you could actually blow your entire trading account.

Once you learn how to trade, the next step would be to open a forex demo trading account. This is the trading platform you would use from the forex broker of your choice to make trades in the market. Most forex brokers have all the charts and tools you need and the platform on which to execute your trades. Demo accounts allow new forex traders to trade fake money while trading the live market. You get to trade on a live trading platform but you risk absolutely no money. There aren't any businesses I know of where you can learn everything you need without costing you a dime.

Demo accounts are a great way for new traders to get a feel for trading the forex market without risking any money. But be careful. When you trade a forex demo account, and you know in your mind that you have no money at risk, you can start making stupid trading decisions. You may use poor money management skills and risk far too much money on each trade. You may double up on trades to make up for losing trades. These are bad habits, and the last thing you want to do in this business is treat it like a game. It's not a game. It's a real business and should be treated as such.

Before getting into trades, you should also know exactly what price you're getting in to the market and also know what your stop loss and take profit targets should be. If you don't know these three things, do not trade. Every profitable forex trading strategy you learn will have the rules for determining these entry and exit points. Also know that a profitable forex trading strategy does not have to be complicated. Most of the best forex trading strategies are very simple to learn and use.

If you follow the simple rules we mentioned above, you will see how profitable this business can be. It's no wonder why trading forex is becoming one of the fastest growing home businesses today. You get to work from your home using your personal computer and an internet connection. Pick up a great forex trading strategy and open up a forex trading account with a broker and you have everything you need to start trading.

Andrew Daigle is the creator and author of many successful websites including ForexBoost at and for learning profitable online home business opportunities

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Top 4 challenges facing option buyers

There are 4 top challenges facing option buyers in the stock market. Anyone looking to gain long term success with options should have these questions answered before they use them.

1. Time decay. When you buy an option there is both time value and intrinsic value in that option price. Intrinsic value moves the option based on the price of the stock. Time value goes down slowly as the option price gets closer to expiration. Because of this an option buyer needs to have the intrinsic value go up faster than the time value to make any money.

If they intrinsic value doesn’t go up fast enough have this the stock could do what they wanted it to do and they still lose money. The best way to combat this problem is to buy more time value. If you have an option 3 months out the time value will decay at a much slower rate than an option that is 1 month away from expiration.

2. The Bid and ask price also pose a problem for option buyers. When buying options there are two prices the bid and ask. The ask price is the price that you can buy it for and the bid price is the price that you can sell it for. The difference between these numbers is called the spread.

The price you can buy an option for is always higher than the price you can sell an option for. You need the option to go up above this gap in order to make money. This problem is lessened by not trading options with stocks that have a high spread. Obviously if you find a stock that has an ask price of $8 and a bid price of $6 that might not be a good buy regardless of the stock.

3. The implied volatility. This is very important to understand. The IV measures how volatile the stock is at a given time. It is also used to measure the volatility of an option. This can affect the price because if you buy a call with high volatility the stock can go up but if volatility drops your option’s price will be affected. Now on the same note if you buy a call when volatility is low and the stock price goes down you might still be able to make money if the volatility goes up.

Generally volatility goes down when stocks goes up and it goes up when stock prices fall. You may also want to check the VIX which shows the volatility of the SPY. In addition if you can go to a website like which will give you the volatility of individual stocks.

4. Delta. Many option traders believe that if a stock moves $1 the option should also move $1. Nope. This is one of the biggest misconceptions new traders have about options. They will not move up exactly the same amount as the stock. In fact there is an option greek called the Delta that is designed to determine how fast an option should move. If the Delta is $.5 then it will move $.5 for every $1 the stock moves.

The farther in the money you buy a stock option at the higher the delta will be. But it will also result in a higher option price as well.

For more information about the stock market visit

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ForEx (Foreign Exchange)

A forex scam is any trading scheme used to defraud individual traders by convincing them that they can expect to profit by trading in the foreign exchange market. One such example of someone who has come under such scrutiny is James Dicks. These scams might include churning of customer accounts for the purpose of generating commissions, selling software that is supposed to guide the customer to large profits,improperly managed "managed accounts", false advertising, ponzi schemes and outright fraud . It also refers to any retail forex broker who indicates that trading foreign exchange is a low risk, high profit investment. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which loosely regulates the foreign exchange market in the United States, has noted an increase in the amount of unscrupulous activity in the non-bank foreign exchange industry.[6]

An official of the National Futures Association was quoted as saying, "Retail forex trading has increased dramatically over the past few years. Unfortunately, the amount of forex fraud has also increased dramatically..." Between 2001 and 2006 the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has prosecuted more than 80 cases involving the defrauding of more than 23,000 customers who lost $300 million, mostly in managed accounts. CNN also quoted Godfried De Vidts, President of the Financial Markets Association, a European body, as saying, "Banks have a duty to protect their customers and they should make sure customers understand what they are doing. Now if people go online, on non-bank portals, how is this control being done?"

The highly technical nature of retail forex industry, the OTC nature of the market, and the loose regulation of the market, leaves retail speculators vulnerable. Defrauded traders and regulatory authorities, can find it very difficult to prove that market manipulation has occurred since there is no central currency market, but rather a number of more or less interconnected marketplaces provided by interbank market makers.

Always remember that there is no such thing as a "free lunch." Be especially cautious if you have acquired a large sum of cash recently and are looking for a safe investment vehicle. In particular, retirees with access to their retirement funds may be attractive targets for fraudulent operators. Getting your money back once it is gone can be difficult or impossible.

The following are examples of statements that either are or most likely are fraudulent:

"Whether the market moves up or down, in the currency market you will make a profit." "We are out-performing 90% of domestic investments." "The main advantage of the forex markets is that there is no bear market." The currency futures and options markets are volatile and contain substantial risks for unsophisticated customers. The currency futures and options markets are not the place to put any funds that you cannot afford to lose. For example, retirement funds should not be used for currency trading. You can lose most or all of those funds very quickly trading foreign currency futures or options contracts. Therefore, beware of companies that make the following types of statements: "With a $10,000 deposit, the maximum you can lose is $200 to $250 per day." "We promise to recover any losses you have." "Your investment is secure." Margin trading can make you responsible for losses that greatly exceed the dollar amount you deposited. Many currency traders ask customers to give them money, which they sometimes refer to as "margin," often sums in the range of $1,000 to $5,000. However, those amounts, which are relatively small in the currency markets, actually control far larger dollar amounts of trading, a fact that often is poorly explained to customers. Don't trade on margin unless you fully understand what you are doing and are prepared to accept losses that exceed the margin amounts you paid.

What is Forex (Foreign Exchange)? Can you trust the majority of claims they make? How are Forex (Foreign Exchange) brokers regulated? What is margin buying?

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Forex Trading, an alternative to shares.

The market The currency trading FOREX market is the biggest and fastest growing market on earth. Its daily turnover is 3 trillion dollars. The participants in this market are banks, organizations, investors and private individuals, just like you.

Forex, is the foreign exchange market. Online and offline you will find references to the forex market as FX as well. Forex trading takes place through a broker or a financial institution often where you are able to purchase other types of stocks, bonds and investments.

When you are thinking about getting involved in the forex markets you should know you are sending money to be invested with other countries. This is done to prop up the investments of people involved in certain types of hedge funds, and in the markets overseas. The forex market could have your money invested in one market one day, and the next day your money is invested in another country.

The daily changes are determined by your broker or financial institution. When reading your statements and learning more about your account, you will find that every type of currency has three letters that will represent that currency.

For example, the United States dollars is USD, the Japanese yen is JPY, and the British pound sterling will read as GBP. You will also find that for every transaction on your account listing you will see information that looks like this: JPYzzz/GBPzzz.

This means that you took your Japanese yen money and invested it into something in the British pound market. You will find many transactions from one currency to another if you have money that is scattered through out the forex markets.

Forex markets trading by investment management firms are the companies you can trust with your money. You want to find a company that has been dealing with forex trading since the early seventies, and not someone just new on the block so you get the most for your hard earned money. It is important that you beware of companies that are popping up online, and often times from foreign countries that are stating they can get you involved in the forex markets and trading. Read the fine print, and know whom you are dealing with for the best possible protection.

If you are interested in trading on the forex market, you will find limits for investing are different from company to company. Often times you will learn that you need a minimum of $250 or $500 while other companies will need $1000 or $10,000. The company you are dealing with will set limits in how much you need to open an account with their company.

The scams that are online will tell you, that you only need a $1 or $5 to open an account, but you need to learn more about that company and where they are doing business before investing any money, this is for your own protection while dealing in forex trading and markets online.


In Forex leverage trading, a small margin deposit can control a much larger total contract value. Leverage gives the trader the ability to make nice profits, and at the same time keep risk capital to a minimum. For example, Forex brokers offer 200 to 1 leverage, which means that a $50 dollar margin deposit would enable a trader to buy or sell $10,000 worth of currencies. Similarly, with $500 dollars, one could trade with $100,000 dollars and so on. But leverage is a double-edged sword. Without proper risk management, this high degree of leverage can lead to large losses as well as gains.

Traders must remember that in forex, leverage is a double-edged sword: while it can multiply your gain potential exponentially, it can equally magnify your loss potential. We therefore recommend that traders new to the forex market start trading with small leverage options. We recommend that all investors first are trying Forex demo account.

Read more if how man registers on Forex, you can register you on a demo account first it is free with no obligation. Take the time to do the demo, download and try it out first. eng sv

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READ MORE - Forex Trading, an alternative to shares.

How Does the Stock Market Work ?

"How does the Stock Market Work?" Back to the basic before you start investing in the stock market you have to understand the stock market "How does the stock market work?" The answer to this question is simple. Companies go public by offering a specific number of shares in their company to the public through the stock exchange. Investors then can use the stock exchange to buy and sell stocks of companies that they are interested in. While this basic description of how the stock market works is adequate enough to understand what the stock market is, to get a better understanding of how it actually works it will be important to learn about some of the terms that are commonly used when discussing the stock exchange including stock prices and market capitalization.

The stock market appears in the news every day. You hear about it any time it reaches a new high or a new low, and you also hear about it daily in statements like "The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 2 percent today, with advances leading declines by a margin of..."

Obviously, stocks and the stock market are important, but you may find that you know very little about them. What is a stock? What is a stock market? Why do we need a stock market? Where does the stock come from to begin with, and why do people want to buy and sell it? If you have questions like these, then this article will open your eyes to a whole new world!

Determining Value Let's say that you want to start a business, and you decide to open a restaurant. You go out and buy a building, buy all the kitchen equipment, tables and chairs that you need, buy your supplies and hire your cooks, servers, etc. You advertise and open your doors.

Let's say that:

* You spend $1500,000 buying the building and the equipment. * In the first year, spend $300,000 on supplies, food and the payroll for your employees. * At the end of your first year, you add up all of the money you have received from customers and find that your total income is $800,000.

Since you have made $800,000 and paid out the $300,000 for expenses, your net profit is:

$800,000 (income) - $300,000 (expense) = $50,000 (profit)

At the end of the second year, you bring in $325,000 and your expenses remain the same, for a net profit of $75,000. At this point, you decide that you want to sell the business. What is it worth?

One way to look at it is to say that the business is "worth" $500,000. If you close the restaurant, you can sell the building, the equipment and everything else and get $500,000. This is a simplification, of course -- the building probably went up in value, and the equipment went down because it is now used. Let's just say that things balance out to $500,000. This is the asset value, or book value, of the business -- the value of all of the business's assets if you sold them outright today.

But what if you keep it going? Read on to find out.

This information is provide by which teach you about how to make money fast on the stock market and give the free stock tips everyday on which stock you buy. Sign up at for free stock tips

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Best Trading System - This One is Simple, Free, Works and Makes Consistent Long Term Profits.

If you are looking for a trading system to seek long term profits with then consider the one enclosed its simple, it's free and has made millions in the markets for savvy traders for over 25 years. Here we will outline the rules and why it works and will continue to work.

The system was devised in the late seventies by famous trader Richard Donchian and was originally applied to the commodity markets, although it works on any trending market.

Currencies trend well, so it's very popular and effective on these markets.

The system is simplicity itself and the rule is revealed in its name - The 4 Week Rule

The trading system maintains a constant position in the market and works in the following way.

Cover short positions and buy long whenever the price exceeds highs of the four preceding full calendar weeks. Then liquidate long positions and sell short whenever the price falls under the lows of the four preceding full calendar weeks.

Why It Works

While the system is simple, don't think it won't make money, it will and has for years and many of the worlds top traders Incorporate it in there trading.

This system will beat 95% or more of the trading systems sold on the net as it's been traded real time and works, while most robots sold are simply simulations that are back tested.

Here are 4 major advantages of the system.

1. This system is based on sound technical principles with signals that are mechanical and totally objective.

2. It is a long term trend-following system so our trader is virtually guaranteed to be on the right side of every major trend and currencies are one of the best trending markets.

3. It us based on the known fact that most major trends start from new market highs or lows and also follows the well quoted "let profits run, while cutting losses short".

4. This system can be traded with or without the aid of a computer and it will only take 20 minutes a day or less to run so is very time effective.

What are the Weaknesses of the System?

All systems have a weakness and this one does to and that's when markets don't trend it can generate "false" or losing signals and here you can add a filter to smooth the drawdown.

Simply exit on a one or two week high or low and go flat and then wait for the next 4 week signal to trigger a long or short position.

It Will Work and Continue to Work

As a trading system for long term gains though it really is a great robust system which will never go out of date and will continue to catch and hold long term trends. As long as currency markets trend this system will continue to pile up gains long term.

Simple? Yes it is but test it and you will see how much money it makes and while other systems come and go with glossy packages and hyped advertising, this one still remains a favorite of the serious forex trader, who is looking for a simple, robust, trading system which produces results, year after year.

Check out the 4 Week Rule and you will see just how powerful this simple system is.

FREE! 4 Week Rule PDF + More on System Trading

For free infopack and free research and more get your FREE 4 Week Rule PDF visit our website at:

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READ MORE - Best Trading System - This One is Simple, Free, Works and Makes Consistent Long Term Profits.

Forex Education = Forex Success

In the world of Forex, only one rule is unchangeable…

That is, only someone who knows the trend and the going-on of the foreign exchange market can have the benefits of having high return rates and income and have the chance to attain success in the lucrative market of Forex.

It is no surprise to find that a growing number of people these days are keen to participate in the world's largest and most liquid financial market and a market which is essentially open for trading twenty-four hours a day. Many people have become very rich through trading in the forex market and it has allowed a lot of individuals to replace their day jobs and enjoy the comfort of working from home a few hours a week. It has also made quite a few millionaires!

If you enter the world of real time forex trading without the necessary knowledge and skill then you are almost guaranteed to lose money. However, if you take the time to learn what you are doing before you start trading with your own hard earned money then you will go a very long way towards minimizing your risks and maximizing your earnings potential.

Some have carefully studied the foreign exchange market over the years, had their forex tutorial and have planned their investments according to predicted changes. The shrewdest of investors have profited immensely, as they were able to learn the market, see disaster coming and knew exactly what to do in order to minimize their losses. Of course, learning all of these financial aspects would involve a solid Forex education.

Though Forex is a very lucrative market, where everybody can make forex money, all must bear in mind that it is not like a one day millionaire, where money will flow overnight. IF you want all things to be as fast as you can, you must think twice. Stop for a while and have Forex Training first before battling in the real world of forex.

Forex training will be your first step to success. Not only that, it will be your foundation in every trade you made and whenever you are lost, you can always count on your former knowledge about forex. Forex education brings the knowledge of professionals into your personal trading. Forex training helps you know where to enter a currency based on the direction it is taking and how to forecast that direction. Forex Training allows you to learn how to trade currencies with or without a coach. As you trade, your Forex training can truly help you become the master of your money.

Forex training sessions are designed to give new and experienced traders all the necessary tools to start buying and selling currencies in the Forex market. Forex training program would not only be for beginners who want to learn how to start day trading, but also for more experienced traders who already had some stock or futures trading experience. Forex training will help you succeed in your currency trading as you learn to trade the Forex like a pro.

Have you ever desired to learn more about Forex trade and forex finance but weren't sure how to get started? Don’t worry because there is a lot of Forex Training available around. But you must choose carefully, your Forex Training and Education is your primary key to succeed in Forex. If you want to be sure of hat you are learning, take a look at and you will see the how can you have the best forex education.

While Forex may not mean much to the average consumer, in actuality everything we know in commerce is affected by Forex. Only someone who understand the right forex education can benefit with the lucrative market of forex. So, don’t be left out!! MK Chin (MBA), a full time Forex Trader and Investor can give you the most effective forex tutorial on how to trade better with forex and achieve better return rates. Visit and start forex training today.

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READ MORE - Forex Education = Forex Success

Automated Forex Trading System - A Free System For Big Consistent Gains!

There are a lot of automated forex trading systems to choose from and here we are you going to give you a simple free robot that has made millions over the years for disciplined savvy traders and you can use it too...

Firstly, most of the automated forex trading systems you see heavily promoted on line are junk - they come with paper, back tested simulations and have never even been traded. They rely on hyped clever marketing to get sales but they don't work and the trader loses his equity.

The one we are going to look at here is very simple but that doesn't mean it doesn't make big gains, it does and it will continue to do so.

Before we look at why it works, lets just look at the rule of the system and it only has one - making it one of the simplest automated forex trading systems you can get.

Buy a new 4 week calendar high is price then, look to sell a new 4 calendar low, then do the same in reverse i.e. buy the next 4 week high and maintain a position in the market at all times.

That's it - and while it's simple (you can do the calculation in your head - it works. So why is it so effective?

- It's a breakout system and most major moves start from new highs or lows, so this system will get you in on all the big trends.

- It will get you in on all the major trends and a glance at a forex chart, will show you the big trends last for many weeks, months or years

- The rule is objective and you can simply follow it, you dont need to think its automatic.

Another great advantage of this forex robot is it takes very little time to operate, just 15 minutes a day.

It was actually devised in the late seventies, by well known trader Richard Donchian and has been used by traders all around the world ever since.

Many traders though wont use it despite the fact it's so profitable and here are the main reasons:

- For some reason traders think complex systems work better but they don't, simple systems are more robust and the above is simplicity itself.

- It's not a flavour of the month method, like a system based on Chaos theory or artificial intelligence.

- Its not fussy about picking tops and bottoms - you cant predict these of course but traders like to try and lose.

- Its not mystical, people love ridiculous theories such as Gann, Elliot Wave and Fibonacci despite the fact they have not found the order in the market they claim.

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In forex trading to make money you don't need to be complicated and you don't need to put in lots of time, this is a myth. The effort you put into your forex trading strategy has no influence on the amount of money you will make.

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The aim of trading for the serious trader is based upon the money he puts in his pocket. If you are serious about making money this system is simple, logical, is easy to understand, works and will continue to work, as long as markets trend and I don't think that's ever going to change!

If you want to make money take a look at this free automated forex trading system and you will be surprised at just how much money it can make you in around 15 minutes day.

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READ MORE - Automated Forex Trading System - A Free System For Big Consistent Gains!

Online Stock Trading Strategies ? Follow them Properly

Trading in stocks is becoming very popular and more and more people are getting into online stock trading. Stock trading involves buying and selling stocks in the stock market. Here you try to buy stocks at low price and sell them at high prices later on and retain the profits. But to be successful in this market, you need to adopt certain online stock trading strategies.

Stock markets are run and governed by various factors. Religious, political, financial, and social factors immensely influence which way the stock market will go. The mercurial nature of these markets warrants that you exhibit patience and carefulness. Never be in a hurry to get rich in one day. That will be like living in a fool's paradise.

Always buy stocks of reputed blue chip companies who have great standing in the market and have very strong track records. Don't get duped by fly-by-night companies that enter the market on a regular basis to deceive unsuspecting traders and run away with their hard earned money.

The Internet has made online stock trading a lot easier and convenient. A click of a mouse button can help you buy stocks that you are interested in or sell the ones that you think can give you profits. One of the most important online stock trading strategies is to hire a broker that is reputed and trustworthy. Always check his or her background and track record. Check how long he or she has been associated with the stock market and whether he or she has made any defaults in the market.

If online stock trading strategies are followed properly, then you can derive huge benefits from them. Among various online stock trading strategies, one strategy that standouts is to hedge your position when trading online. Hedging is a kind of insurance against negative sentiments of the market. Hedging is used to mitigate stock market risks by strategically dealing in financial instruments to set off the losses that may incur due to any unexpected price movement.

As part of online stock trading strategies, you should show patience and discipline while dealing in stocks online. That is one of the most basic online stock trading strategies.

This article written by David Jose is on online stock trading strategies. David Jose has been a avert writer on various online trading communities. His work has been published in several places across the web. At present David Jose is contributing towards making MTP a well known and popular online trading community.

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READ MORE - Online Stock Trading Strategies ? Follow them Properly

What are Student Credit Cards?

Student credit cards are credit cards designed for young adults in college. These are often a first credit card, designed to help build new credit from the ground up. They are a useful tool to teach college students about finances and money management while giving them more freedom to make necessary purchases and live on their own.

Student credit cards are offered through banks, credit unions, and colleges. It is also possible to get a student credit card directly from the credit card company. These student cards usually have a fairly low limit, generally around $250 US Dollars (USD) or $500 (USD), up to about $1,000 USD. Student credit cards almost always have a high interest rate, which should encourage college students to pay off the credit card every month.

As with any credit card, it is important to pay the bills on time and always pay more than the minimum payment required. Student credit cards will start to build good credit, but only if the finances are managed responsibly. Some of these credit cards for students offer cashback bonuses or points that can be redeemed for merchandise. Others offer a lower interest rate or some other type of bonus for skills specific to students, such as getting good grades or consistently paying the bills on time.

Student credit cards are a great way to help students manage their college finances. These cards might be used to pay for books in the bookstore, gas and groceries, clothing or even fun items. If made to pay their own bills, college students will quickly learn the dangers of overspending and recognize the difference between needs and wants. Student credit cards also help students learn important lessons about finance charges, fees, and annual percentage rates.

Some student credit cards require a co-signer, which is usually a parent or caregiver. Be cautious when co-signing on a credit card, as any late payments can negatively affect your credit score as well. It is certainly possible to find a student credit card that does not require a co-signer. College credit cards also do not usually require an application fee, minimum income amount or a yearly fee, and are generally pretty easy to obtain.

After the student graduates from school, he or she can usually convert the student credit card into a traditional credit card with a higher limit. Even if this option is not available, he or she will be able to apply for a traditional credit card because they will now have a credit history. Acquiring a student credit card is a great first step for the future.
READ MORE - What are Student Credit Cards?

How Can I Get the Best Credit Card?

Getting the best credit card is often a function of both your credit rating and timing. Put the two together and chances are good that a great card at a reasonable rate will result. Like any other type of credit, good credit or debt management needs to be at the cornerstone of this fiscal endeavor, even with the best credit card.

One of the things that affects getting the best credit card is a past payment history, especially with credit cards, but also with other forms of credit. For those who have a history of making payments on time, every time, getting a great deal is usually not that hard. For those who are not able to meet their obligations in a timely manner, it may be a little bit harder.

One of the hallmarks of a good credit card is a no-fee credit card. Credit cards are already a lucrative deal for the banks involved. Therefore, there are plenty of banks willing to offer you a card with no annual fee, as long as you are not a high credit risk. Shopping around for a card with no annual fee should be simple and there should be plenty of options.

Those looking to rebuild their credit may find that the best credit card they can acquire will have an annual fee. Even in these situations, the annual fee should not be for more than $100 US Dollars (USD). Most of the time, if your credit is strong enough to the point you can acquire a credit card, finding one with a fee for less than this amount should not be a major hassle.

Some credit cards offer low introductory period rates or low interest rates for balance transfers from other cards. While these can be good deals, each situation needs to be evaluated independently. Reading the fine print can be very important and it is necessary to fully understand all the details of such offers, because they may include language not to the borrower's advantage.

Others believe that simple interest terms and the grace period is not what makes for the best credit card. Rather, the best credit card for them is one that comes with credit card rewards. Indeed, because they are so lucrative, many banks are more than willing to offer additional incentives to keep you using that card for a long time into the future.

There are often many options when it comes to choosing a credit card with rewards. The best credit card for you may be one that comes with substantial air miles, for those who like to travel extensively. Others may offer a cash back reward feature, which is attractive to those who use the grace period to pay off their credit card debts every month. This means there will be no interest charged and the card company actually pays you for using it.

No matter what your interests, getting the best credit card does not depend on reviews or what your friends have. Rather, you should choose a credit card for your needs and your needs alone. Credit card rewards are great, but if they are used or cause you to go into unnecessary debt, then they would not be the choice for you.
READ MORE - How Can I Get the Best Credit Card?

What are Bank Credit Cards?

A bank credit card is a card issued by a bank. The card can access different funding resources, depending upon type. One common definition of bank credit card is the ATM check card, but there are various additional descriptions of bank credit cards.

In the case of ATM check cards, people can use these very much like credit cards, making purchases at any location that accepts them. These cards are usually given to those who open checking and/or saving accounts. However instead of drawing on credit for funding, they draw on the person’s designated bank account.

There can be some pitfalls to using bank credit cards that are check cards. Sometimes certain companies will not accept them to guarantee reservations of rentals. For instance, you may need an actual credit card attached to a line of credit to rent a car or reserve a hotel room. It really does depend on the individual company. However, if a company places a hold on a bank account to guarantee a rental, it can tie up access to this money until the hold is removed. This could bounce checks, if money in the account is low.

Bank credit cards can also simply mean ATM cards that don’t have a credit card symbol on the back, though these are becoming less common. They’re not often issued anymore, since many people want to be able to use their ATM cards for things like online purchases.

Some people specifically think of bank credit cards as credit cards. In this case they are issued by any bank, and they access available credit. People may see these cards as only coming from banking chains like Bank of America®, which offers additional personal banking services on a large scale. In actuality, any credit card issued by any bank fits would be a bank credit card.

Another definition of bank credit cards can apply to cards issued to people who have a line of credit at the place where they do the majority of their banking business. Large or small banks often want to loan money to customers with impeccable credit ratings. Sometimes these cards allow the bank to draw on available credit if a bank overdraft occurs, though this practice can involve fines or fees.

People often are curious as to whether getting bank credit cards from the banks where they have checking and savings accounts are better deals. This can really depend upon the interest rate offered and any additional terms and conditions of issuing credit. Sometimes bank credit cards offer the best interest rates, but on other occasions, people can find better rates by shopping around for a credit card.
READ MORE - What are Bank Credit Cards?

What are Prepaid Credit Cards?

Many people are rejected after filling out a credit card application because of poor credit. The problem with this is that a major credit card is needed to make reservations for hotels, motels, car rentals and airline flights. Credit cards are also necessary when placing orders online or over the phone. Does this mean a person with bad credit can't do any of these things? Not if that person has a prepaid credit card.

A prepaid credit card account is opened by depositing money into that account, much in the same way you would make a deposit to open a checking or savings account. Once you have money in your account, you're issued a prepaid credit card that can be used anywhere one would use a regular credit card. The best part of the prepaid credit card is that you can charge to your heart's content and you won't be in debt. The money is yours and once it's gone, you can't spend any more until you make another deposit. There are no bills and no interest charges. It's the same principle as using a debit card linked to a savings or checking account.

So what's the catch? First, you'll have to pay a fee to set up your account. The amount varies, but you can probably expect to pay about US$5 to $10 to open a prepaid credit card account. In addition, you'll have to pay additional fees every time you deposit more cash into your prepaid credit card account. For those with bad credit, the benefits of a prepaid credit card far outweigh the risks. They're able to reserve rental cars or hotel rooms, and don't have to worry about credit card bills and interest payments later.

Those who are planning to use the prepaid credit card to pay for a monthly Internet subscription, or to purchase an item where a fixed amount is deducted from their card each month, might be dismayed to learn that this might not be possible. Many of these businesses don't want to do business with a prepaid credit card because there's always the risk that there won't be any money in the account when it comes time to pay the bill.

If you're frustrated because a credit card is necessary to get by in today's world, but can't apply for one because of bad credit, you might consider a prepaid credit card. You'll have most of the advantages of a credit card, and you won't have to worry about interest charges. Sounds like a prepaid credit card is a pretty good deal.
READ MORE - What are Prepaid Credit Cards?

What is a Credit Card Balance Transfer?

Opening a new credit card may seem like the last smart thing to do when faced with mounting credit card debt. In one case, however, this may make sense and wind up saving you a lot of money as well. This special exception is a credit card balance transfer, and is oftentimes available to anyone with a mailbox and social security number.

Credit cards are a big business today, with many companies making a fortune off finance charges. The average annual percentage rate is about 16% on most credit cards. With that kind of interest, it's tough to pay down a credit card, because it is consistently charging interest and adding to the principle. Even hot stocks are pressed to grow at 16% a year. Luckily, companies are so anxious for your business the balance transfer was invented.

In an effort to lure consumers to their credit card, many companies offer free balance transfers from your old credit card. Once the money is safely owed to the new company, they will often provide a grace period where they charge far less on the transferred balance. Finding two, one, or even zero percent interest is possible. Oftentimes this introductory rate lasts for around six months to a year after the balance transfer takes place.

For a savvy consumer, this can be an excellent method of reducing credit card debt. It leaves the person free to pay down the balance on a credit card without incurring interest charges. Using this strategy, a person could potentially open a new account that offers a balance transfer when the old one expires. Then transfer all of the balance to the new card to begin a new grace period of low or non-existent finance charges. If you plan to do a balance transfer, be sure to close your old account.

Making a balance transfer work for you is an excellent practice, but diligence is required. Sometimes there is fine print attached with hidden charges. Some banks may charge a transfer fee that can be a percentage of the balance transferred. Be sure that there is a cap on the amount, like fifty or seventy-five dollars, or else a balance transfer in the thousands may end up costing a couple hundred dollars. Also, be sure the bank doesn't charge a high annual fee, or joining fee. The credit card companies are already getting your business, so don't let them take the upper hand in a balance transfer.
READ MORE - What is a Credit Card Balance Transfer?

The Death of the Credit Card Economy

The most revolutionary notion in commerce today is one of the oldest. If you want to buy something, you may actually have to pay for it. We are reverting from a "borrow and buy" economy to the "cash and carry" model of our grandparents.

The Olesons may have extended store credit to Ma and Pa Ingalls in Little House on the Prairie, but widespread consumer credit is a very recent phenomenon. It began in the 1920s, when expensive consumer durables—cars, refrigerators—were first produced in mass quantities. It wasn't until Bank of America began carpet-bombing California with credit-card applications in the 1960s that the debt wave started in earnest.

In the decades since, consumer credit became so pervasive that paying cash became passé. Want a new $32,530 Dodge Ram Crew pickup? Take a lease. Sick of your old house? Get a 100 percent mortgage and trade up. Face lift? Round-the-world cruise? New PC? Three-hundred dollar sushi dinner at Nobu? Whip out that plastic. It was this behavior—the endless willingness of lenders to lend and borrowers to borrow—that kept the consumer economy humming uninterrupted from the early 1990s, straight through the brief recession of 2001, until the credit meltdown of 2007.

But many of the lenders who extended credit recklessly are now acting like a single twentysomething who, after having a few bad dates, takes a vow of celibacy. Students returning to college are finding that student loans have vanished. Retailers who freely extended credit to any customer with a pulse are deploying bean counters armed with sophisticated software to sniff out potential deadbeats. And when higher rates and fees don't deter their borrowers, credit-card companies resort to slashing credit lines. "We predicted there would be some degree of spillover from the mortgage meltdown," said Curtis Arnold, founder of "But the credit line reductions by big credit card companies in the last six months have been fairly unprecedented."

This shock to the system may further damage the already-fragile psychology of the consumer. Writing a check or deducting the price of a pair of shoes directly from your bank account packs a much more potent emotional punch than charging the pair of Allen Edmonds loafers on your American Express platinum card. Chalk it up to a concept called "the pain of paying," said Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational. (It's a concept the parents of his students at Duke University feel every semester.) Imagine that a restaurant, rather than charging $30 per meal, charged 50 cents per bite, with a waiter standing tableside collecting after each chomp. That would be an extremely unpleasant meal. But credit puts a safe distance between the ecstasy of consumption and the agony of payment, and thus makes us feel better. Said Ariely: "If it's more difficult to get credit, it might make people feel more pain of paying and therefore spend less."

The availability of credit also changes the calculus people use to determine what they can afford. Blowing $6,000 on a week in Tuscany might be tough to swing if you have to pay for it all next month. Convince yourself it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you can pay for over three years, and it becomes a bargain. With credit, Saturday night means dinner and a movie. When you pay cash and have a fixed budget, it's dinner or a movie.

The tightening of credit is forcing more people to confront these uncomfortable choices. In the second quarter, credit giant MasterCard reported that the gross dollar volume, or GDV, of credit charges processed in the United States rose just 0.7 percent from 2007, while the GDV of debit charges rose 15.8 percent. The huge retailer Target in late August said that in the second quarter, for the first time in memory, the percentage of sales charged to credit cards fell, while the proportion of purchases made with debit cards rose. That's partially by design, since the company has undertaken an "aggressive reduction of credit lines and significant tightening of all aspects of our underwriting." (Translation: No credit for you!!)

Leverage is an appropriate synonym for credit because it allows you to lift more than you could with simply your own financial muscle. Take away the leverage, and the power lifter becomes a 98-pound weakling. That's clearly a factor in the housing market. In 2007, according to the National Association of Realtors, 45 percent of first-time homebuyers put no money down, and the median first-time homebuyer financed a massive 98 percent of the purchase. But no-money-down mortgages, like Rudy Giuliani's presidential candidacy, began fading in late 2007 and largely disappeared in the cruel winter of 2008. No wonder existing home sales fell 13.2 percent in July from last year while new home sales plummeted 35.3 percent.

In effect, the lack of credit makes things seem more expensive to consumers, even if prices are holding steady. And in a world of scarce credit, consumption is likely to resemble a meal at Dan Ariely's nightmare restaurant: a series of small bites rather than an all-you-can-eat extravaganza.
READ MORE - The Death of the Credit Card Economy

Credit-Card Use Is Surging

Cash-strapped Americans are ringing up more and more purchases on their credit and debit cards, and there could be a steep price to pay ahead.

Though the trend is a boon for the companies that issue the cards, analysts worry that there could be long-term problems not only for consumers but also for the anemic economy and the already-troubled banks that will be underwriting all that risky debt.

"Right now what we're seeing is the US consumer losing their disposable income as they have to spend more and more on necessities because of higher prices for gas and food," says Ron Ianieri, a market strategist and co-founder of the Options University investor education center. "Normally when you have a certain budget and you can't keep up with the budget one of the easy steps is to extend that budget using credit."

One of the main problems with that is US consumers—and their counterparts in Europe as well—already are delinquent on their credit card payments in numbers not seen in six years. The Federal Reserve last week said credit card delinquencies hit 4.86 percent in the first quarter in 2008, while revolving debt—or the type used in credit purchases—hit $957.2 billion in March, a 7.9 percent increase.

As all that risky, high-interest debt keeps accumulating, consumers will find themselves deeper in a hole that threatens to keep the economy in its sluggish state. Economists worry that the problems are being exacerbated by consumers using credit not only to buy big-screen TVs and patio furniture, but also to pay their mortgages and shop for groceries.

"There's a significant risk to people who are using credit cards to help them try to bridge the gaps that they're facing," says Sean Snaith, director of the University of Central Florida's Institute for Economic Competitiveness. "The reality is the economic picture isn't going to clear up instantaneously."

Meanwhile, the banks that underwrite the credit card debt stand to lose as the delinquencies continue to rise. Standard & Poor's on Monday issued a dour forecast for banks in 2008, in part because of their exposure to bad debt.

Ianieri ranks his "starting five" in terms of exposure to risky debt: Lehman Brothers [LEH 0.0395 --- UNCH (0) ], Citigroup [C 8.54 0.07 (+0.83%) ], Bank of America [BAC 16.95 -0.89 (-4.99%) ], UBS [UBS 12.92 -0.71 (-5.21%) ] and Merrill Lynch [MER 14.50 -0.75 (-4.92%) ].

"It's a disaster, it's a time bomb," Ianieri says. "The credit crisis is a lot more severe than it's being made out to be. I think the government is doing everything it can to keep the severity of this situation under wraps from the general population. I think they're just trying to bide time for these banks."

For the credit card companies, though, it's a different story.

Little to Lose

Visa and Mastercard back comparatively little of the credit actually issued through their cards, meaning they have a low level of risk for defaults and other payment issues. They get paid a fee each time someone uses their cards, and the banks that issue the cards assume responsibility for the debt.

As such, investors and analysts are fawning over the two companies in the face of consumer cash issues and the growth of emerging markets, where credit cards are only beginning to find popularity.

"The reality is probably some of it is hype, but some is based on fact," Snaith says. "'Check or cash' has been replaced by 'debit or credit' and that's going to be a continuing trend not just in the US but spreading worldwide."

In a note issued last Thursday, Lehman Brothers raised its outlook on Mastercard, escalating its price target to $335 from $300. Other analysts have joined in the enthusiasm, with Stifel Nicolaus on Tuesday jacking up its price target from $312 to $367.

Visa has gained from the enthusiasm for Mastercard. As of noontime trade Tuesday, both Visa [V 53.53 -2.63 (-4.68%) ] and Mastercard [MA 143.21 -4.09 (-2.78%) ] were up more than 12 percent since May 23.

"They have no risk. It's per transaction," says Nadav Baum, managing director of investments at BPU Investment Management. "That's why Visa and Mastercard are bucking the trend when it comes to the other financial companies. Even though they group them as a financial company, they're really not."

Lehman analyst Bruce Harting, in his research note on Mastercard, pointed out that the company believes it can duplicate its US business model in countries including Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Russia, India and China, nations where it projects 39 percent revenue growth.

Similarly, Americans shopping abroad might be more inclined to use their plastic as the dollar begins to gain ground against other currencies. A purchase in euros now could cost fewer dollars by the time the next monthly bill rolls around if the US currency continues to appreciate.

"That's another reason why Mastercard and Visa will continue to do well," Baum says. "It's all hand-in-hand."

Finally, there are the responsible consumers who pay their bills in full every month and are joining the legions of people who no longer want to carry cash. They enjoy taking advantage of the rapid growth of retailers and restaurants offering debit options, plus using points they can accumulate by utilizing their cards.

"The danger is in painting with a broad brush and casting all consumers as reluctant or unable to spend," says Greg McBride, senior analyst at "There are a lot of consumers that are not in the state of distress and can continue to spend in a manner that's not very different than a year or two ago when the economy was stronger. The card-holders that pay their balance in full every month, the incentive is for them to use the cards as much as possible."
© 2008
READ MORE - Credit-Card Use Is Surging